
Inspiring and accelerating the experimentation, commercialisation, and diffusion of innovations for human development in Tanzania.


The Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) is a £39.9 million UKAid-funded programme managed by Palladium International in partnership with KPMG, Newcastle University, and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS). HDIF also works in close collaboration with Tanzania’s Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH). The programme’s three main components are:



Supporting innovation ecosystem enablers such as hubs to create an enabling environment for any innovation to thrive.



Funding new ideas in human development from pilot and scale up, connecting innovators to other financial sources and supporting them to be sustainable.



Enabling government, funders and the private sector to learn from each other and bring about innovation within their own work.


HDIF fosters a culture of sharing evidence and learning across the programme and with our partners and grantees. You can search for helpful resources based on themes, grantees, and types of publication.

Making innovation work for girls and women in Tanzania

Introduction In Tanzania, girls and young women face disproportionately worse outcomes in education and...

Bio-Sanitation Systems for Schools

Project Background Hygienic sanitation facilities are crucial for public health. Inadequate sanitation is a…

Investing in Social Innovation and Technology in Tanzania

The report makes practical and actionable recommendations based on HDIF’s collective insights after five years of running an innovation challenge fund in Tanzania . The report focuses on understanding the innovation ecosystem in Tanzania, lessons from funding innovations, and finally at how best to share and learn from innovations.


Since 2013, the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF) has been working with some of the most inspiring and creative Tanzanian innovators in the country, investing £23.5 million into projects that seek to pilot or scale up innovations that can improve the quality of peoples’ lives through basic services.


Get updates and news from HDIF and the innovation ecosystem here. More can be found on our news page.

Innovation Week 2020 is Here! Apply Now to host an Event

We are excited to invite you all to take part in the coming IW2020...

HDIF Adds a New Category For the EJAT 2019

This year HDIF has partnered with The Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) and other…

Performance of Prepaid water system in rural Tanzania

This summary presents the key findings of research commissioned by HDIF, in partnership with...